Screw-Retained Crowns

Mitigate the potential for implant setbacks with screw-retained crowns from Prime Aesthetics. A main contributing factor behind implant complications arises from residual wet cement left beneath the margin after surgery. With our expertly designed screw-retained crowns, this issue is completely avoided. With our screw-retained solutions, you can increase your implant case success rate. Our screw-retained crowns are meticulously crafted using high-quality materials. We utilize cutting-edge processes and equipment to ensure superior results. 

Every screw-retained crown case includes the following components: Gypsum or printed model, soft tissue, analog, implant labor, titanium base, crown and screw.


  • Hygienic Solution
  • Increased Implant Success
  • Full-Contour Zirconia
  • State-of-the-Art Technology